So as you may or may not know, I have been producing desk calendars of my photos for a couple of years now. Mostly for my friends, family and co-workers.
The question I am most asked about them through the year is "where was this taken?"
For me there is more to a photo than simply where but also why. So in attempt to share what I see when I seee my photos I have decided to start this blog. Each month I hope to write about the picture of the month. If you don't have my calendar and would like one, just leave me a comment.
So, to Bellerive and the beautiful sunset on the water. I was visiting Tasmania oddly enough in January a few years ago to watch the cricket. Our first afternoon in Bellerive I took a walk around the shore to stretch my legs and soak up the atmosphere.
I took many photos of the boats and the sea birds but this one of the sun on the water really jumped out at me.
When I was choosing my photos this year I wanted to show wide angles that showed goals in the distance. The background of this shot has the shadowy silhouettes of a port and I think this contrasts nicely with the dark, sharp rocks in the foreground.
Perhaps things are rocky now but across the water is something exciting and unseen.